


The term Yahoo boy is connected with fraudsters who make money through dishonest means on the internet. There several proven crooked schemes such people use while striving for immense wealth.

Note: This is not a call to become a yahoo boy, but just steps on How People Become Yahoo Boys In Nigeria.

Get your Laptop

Like you know, this is the primary material to have on the off chance that you expect to end up a yahoo kid. It does not regard get any bit of a workstation since it won’t not work appropriately. You ought to have a PC with high processor speed, great smash measure, high Hard-Disk size, and Web-Cam.

These are the characteristics you should pay special mind to when acquiring a workstation for your yahoo business. When you have the PC, at that point you would now be able to add different segments to it. There are different things that ought to be included and introduced your workstation to influence you to succeed.

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VPN: It is likewise called the Virtual Private Network. This would enable you to conceal your IP address from the web. The IP address reveals your area on the web. Most destinations to get your customers from, don’t acknowledge Nigeria as a nation of source, and that would restrain your support. Additionally, you would prefer not to utilize Nigeria as your present area since it is viewed as a for the most part awful nation to different outsiders.

vpn is utilized as an apparatus in yippee business

A review of a VPN

Grammarly: Because you are tied in with guaranteeing to be from either USA or UK, you would prefer not to be found committing errors in your syntax. Grammarly is an application that rectifies linguistic blunders in sentences. So when writing, it causes you clean your English and make it more adequate to your customers.

A grammarly application utilized for yippee in Nigeria

Dating Apps: There are a few of them you can utilize on the off chance that you need to end up a fruitful yippee kid as an apprentice. You won’t not have the capacity to phish remote records as an amateur hurray kid, so I encourage you to begin from dating first. When you have gotten to a specific level, you would then be able to begin assaulting account and draw in charge cards of your casualties.

There are a few dating applications that are suggested, and some of them are Okcupid.com, Dateme.com, eHarmony.com, livedatematch.com, and so on. Search for anybody that suits you, however I suggest okcupid.com

Make Online Social Media Accounts

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When you have begun conversing with somebody and the science is going on fine, the following stage is to move to online networking. It is fundamental you make an online networking account a very long time before you begin your yahoo kid business.

The motivation to make it early is to stay away from doubt from your customer. Ensure you have accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat. You can search for pictures of obscure white individuals that you can’t discover on Google, and utilize it as your profile picture. Download such a significant number of that you won’t come up short on pictures to utilize.

Get a Foreign Phone Number

To additionally cement your claim as being certifiable, you may need to move over to WhatsApp and begin talking. Try not to make a big deal about how to get it, there are a few approaches to get it, and I can similarly help you.

You should take a gander at 3 things before you get a number:

Your present nation of stay (The nation you will tell your customer you are remaining)

The following nation you will move to.

E.G: Most circumstances I clone a U.S number, and advise my customer I will move to Ghana for a business trip. Since I as of now have a Ghanaian companion, I will request that he enable me to out with a Ghanaian number. That is the rationale.

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The point is to look authentic for some time before you move over to your ordinary line. In all actuality you can influence it to look simple, yet it relies upon you. To end up a fruitful yippee kid in Nigeria is very basic however you need to know how to play your diversion. Keep perusing and I will direct you on the most proficient method to end up an expert yippee kid even as a tenderfoot.

Download a Cloning App

It relies upon the sex you wish to take. You may choose to be a young lady or kid, so you have to harden your claim. By and large as a yahoo fellow, your customer may choose to participate in video talks, and you have to substantiate yourself. To wind up a fruitful yippee kid as a fledgling, you have to go an additional mile to substantiate yourself to your customers.

What to consider before you begin cloning:

Your sexual orientation (Male/Female)

Nation of inception (US, Italy, UK, and so forth)

The present nation you remain.

When you download the cloning application, you can take up the substance of anyone you wish, and the voice of any sex. All you require is simply to determine your settings on the App, and the rest will deal with itself.

What is the yahoo kid arrange?

This is the place the fundamental occupation lies. There are a few arrangements you can use to enchant your customer into trusting you are genuine. You need to know your organization, get ready it and ensure you stay on course.

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N.B: Never begin to look all starry eyed at your customer (It upsets your plans and moves)

There is a yahoo kid arrangement to utilize, and I will rattle off some of them.

A warrior in a remote nation


An exile in a remote nation

A rich man in a remote nation and abducted.

A genuine sweetheart that is wiped out and needs cash to survive.

Contingent upon circumstances, you can coin out your own organization. The point of all these is both of the accompanying;

Get your customer’s record points of interest

Visa points of interest

Profit to you.

On the off chance that you would prefer not to take part in the dating amusement, there are a few different examples to take after, and I will expound on them in my next post.

Note: This Post is not a call to become a yahoo boy or to encourage it, but just steps on How People Become Yahoo Boys In Nigeria.

Warning: Being a yahoo boy (scammer) in Nigeria and most parts of the world would result to imprisonment if you are caught.

If you want to learn how to be a yahoo boy, then this is thepost you should read. I will like to teach how to become a yahoo boy because Ihave the experience. This post is for everyone that wants to become a hustler.Read on and learn all you need to learn.
Before you become a successful yahoo boy who wants toventure into yahoo-yahoo, there are certain things you need to know and dobefore starting off as a yahoo boy. Before I commence with the tutorial, ayahoo boy is different from yahoo plus which is also regarded as rituals. It issomething that makes me sad when niggas leave yahoo for yahoo plus rituals.This is just because they are too desperate for the money and can’t wait tolearn all that is needed to be successful.
But before you continue reading, you should know the basicsof becoming a yahoo scammer, so that you won’t make mistakes. It will help youunderstand all you will read in this post and also advance your game forward.
I am only teaching you how to become a successful yahoo boywithout charging you a dime. Truth be told, I was into this business when I wasin my higher institution and I could point out my achievements as yahoo guy inNigeria. Though this is an illegitimate business and it is not good, you shouldcontinue reading if you can take the risk then kindly try it. in fact, to learnhow to be a yahoo boy is all about the risk involved. If you can’t stand therisk, you should get a real job and do.
In Nigeria, yahoo business is an illegal business and youwill be sent to jail whenever you are caught in this. But nigga cares not, allthey need is to hit the money.

Another reason why people dive into yahoo ritual is thatthey want money overnight. The tutorial you are reading won’t make you richovernight as a beginner. It will only let you learn how to how to be a yahooboy and it is your duty to improve as time goes on. This is how to become a successfulyahoo boy:
Tools to Learn How to start Yahoo Yahoo business
Get yourself a good Laptop
This is the first gadget that you must buy or get before youlearn how to be a yahoo guy. However, it is not just an ordinary laptop butwith high processor speed, high Hard-Disk size, good ram size, and Web-Cam.
To learn to be a yahoo boy, there are things you areexpected to look out for before you purchase any laptop. A laptop is not onlyenough, you still need to add components that will make serve the purpose ofthe business. These components include the following: The things you need onyour laptop to get started includes;
In this situation, your written grammar must be perfect allbecause you are claiming to be a person that resides in the US or Uk. Hence,your grammar needs to be perfect including your spelling check. Are youbothered? You don’t need to be bothered because the Grammarly app will do thatfor you. As you are typing, it fine-tuned your grammar and it really makes yourclient feel that you are from the US or any related country you mentioned.
Dating Apps
There are a lot of dating apps that are active, some of theminclude OkCupid, eHarmony.com, Dateme.com, livedatematch.com, e.t.c, the mostactive one where you can quickly get a client is from sites like OkCupid.
Though many of them can make you to how to become asuccessful yahoo boy as a beginner. Don’t start with hacking but rather begindating. Dating is still for beginners, you can’t just start hacking accountswhen you are still learning.
When you practice, you learn how to be a yahoo boy and growin confidence. That way, you can know what and what to do when any situationcomes up.
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
VPN which simply means the Virtual Private Network. The mainfunction of this component is to hide your IP address popularly known ashidemyass. As the internet is concerned, IP address unveil your location topeople and in most websites that you can get clients are no longer acceptingusers from Nigeria. However, you need a VPN to hide your ass(IP address).
Create Online Social Media Accounts
You need to create social media accounts at least a monthbefore you start the yahoo yahoo business in order to prevent and block anysuspicious line. The major social media accounts you must register to includeTwitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. As I have said earlier, start the talk withyour client on the dating websites and later move to the social media tocontinue your chats. I believe that you won’t try to make use of your own pictureas the profile picture. Download white men pictures from the internet, you willsee as many as possible. Details will be explained to make you understand howto become a successful yahoo boy.
Get a Foreign Phone Number
It is your duty to do what will make your clients trust you,one of them is to get a foreign number for you to be chatting on Whatsapp. Youdon’t need to be bothered about how to go about the foreign number or on how tobecome a successful yahoo boy. There are several ways which you can get with nostress. In fact, I can help you get but you will pay….just send me a mail via 9jafreehustle@gmail.com
You don’t just get a number anyhow, there are some thingsthat you need to check out for;
  1. The country that you are currently staying not in Nigeria, Imean the one you will tell your clients.
  2. The next country you will be going to.

Take, for instance, I used to clone U.S number and tell myclient I will be traveling back to South Africa for a business deal with acompany. I make use of South Africa because I have a friend there, I can easilytell him to help me with the South Africa number. Very simple right?
The main reason for this is to make yourself genuine for themain time your business will hit before changing back to your normal phonenumber. Truth be told, it is very easy to achieve but it depends on the levelof your creativity. Creativity is essential on how to become a successful yahooboy in Nigeria because creativity helps you to play an intelligent game.
Ask your clients for more chat on Google Hangout
We all know that Facebook will block any new account, andmost dating sites will also block you after a while. This means that it is notsafe to allow your relationship with your client to continue on any of thosesites.
I will be explaining soon ' How To Create A Fake Facebook accountand don’t get blocked”, it is working 100%, but we don’t have to leave anythingto chance.
Since you are using any of the top formats that will makeyour clients follow you about, then you have to do the best thing to secureyour clients.
How do you then do it?
The answer is “Google Hangout”
This Google Hangout works like the “Yahoo Messenger” of old,and this is what makes it better. If you want to learn how to create a good“Google Hangout” account for Yahoo Yahoo, I will explain everything for you indetail when you join my group and buy the format book.
It costs just 3k and many people are learning and cashingout already.
Since we get most of our clients from the dating site andFacebook where they can ban our account anytime, we have to be fast to move ourclients out of there.

One of the best ways to secure your clients and make sureyou always communicate with them is to move them to Google Hangout and continueyour chat with them there.
Google hangout is just an instant messenger on Google whereyou can chat and receive messages immediately. This page will show you how toset up your Google Hangout profile and start chatting.
Download a Cloning App
You need to decide on which gender you are going for eitherfemale or male. In most cases choosing to be female works faster and it isbeing used to trap men, you can also choose to be a male it depends on your goaland your targets. You don’t just choose a gender and relax, you also need tomake your claim to be concrete. As it may, many people are now aware of theyahoo scam which can make your client decide to have video chats with you. Thefact is that you must find a way to prove yourself genuine as far how to becomea successful yahoo boy is concerned.
Things you must know before you start cloning:
Your gender (Male/Female)
The present country you stay
Country of origin (US, UK or Italy)
Immediately you have downloaded the cloning app, you canmake use of anybody’s face and you can make use of the different voices of bothgenders.
What is the yahoo boy format?
Yahoo boy formats are the ideas that you need to employ tocollect money from your client. Most of your clients will be so smart that theycan smell lies from start. To learn how to be a yahoo boy, there are Yahoo boyformats that you need to know as a yahoo guy and this is where there is a job.I will list some of them here for you to learn.
  • A businessman in a foreign country.
  • A rich man in a foreign country that was kidnapped.
  • A soldier that is in a foreign country
  • A real lover that needs money to survive from a sickness.

It is not a must that you make use of the above formats. Youcan create your own based on the level of you and your clients.
Advanced Yahoo Boy Formats
Get your client’s account details
Make sure the chemistry of the chat between you and yourclient is very strong before requesting credit card details. If possible, youcan just request their account details to send them money. Once they send youmoney, you can then transfer the account number to a hacker, and they willstart it up from there.
Be the First to Send a Gift
When I first started, I created a lasting relationship anddidn’t press for anything in the beginning. I was just a friend they could talkwith and little by little, they started having feelings for me. They wereforced to confess their feelings for me, while I smiled behind my computer.
A few days later, I would request their address to surprisethem – of which I later ordered a flower from Amazon and transferred to them.The end result was that they would also do the same for me via western union orPayoneer.

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Collect Credit Card Details and Wire Wire
This is one of the sweetest ways to scam any client. It iscalled Wire-Wire and I will be writing about Credit Card Fraud Techniques soon thatwill help you dupe any client of his credit card.
Once you have a client’s credit card details, you can nowhave anything. All you need is just to make them trust you and like you to thepoint of handing you all their details. Then you can decide to hack it or doanything you want with the card.


Learn illegal ways to make money yahoo
These are the steps if you want to learn how to be a yahooboy.
  • Open a dating account with any foreign site
  • Create a Female account as a black girl – White men loveblack girls whom they feel they can manipulate
  • Tell them that you are from South Africa – they would loveyou better
  • Video call them using your girlfriend – inform her beforetime

Topwritersden.com – This site will help you sharpen your yahooskills
Yahoo boys Apps
These are the apps that will help you complete your job as aprofessional yahoo boy.
  • Cloning App
  • Grammarly
  • Dating Apps – you can download them via Google play store
  • VPN (Virtual private network)
  • Chrome incognito App

This is my own yahoo dating billing format that I use tocollect money from my clients. Sometimes I also use my normal face to try myluck on Facebook and most of them also helped me out with small dollars. Tobecome a successful yahoo boy isn’t hard if you know how to think outside ofthe box. For those wishing to learn how to be a yahoo boy, I have explained itand just hope you don’t get caught.
How to Stay Safe as a Yahoo Boy
I had to add this one because of the way EFCC is goingaround and catching yahoo boys with ease. I will show you several methods thatwill allow you to stay safe without getting caught.
  • Don’t tell people about your business. Let nobody know whatyou do
  • Maintain a low key lifestyle in your neighborhood. For thoseyahoo boys, you see EFCC coming to catch, it is mostly their neighbors thatreport them.
  • Don’t expose yourself online. Don’t post rich pictures justto impress people.
  • Dress normally. When people see you dressing with all typesof gold chains around your neck, dreads, etc, they will surely expose you toEFCC.

I just hope you use your head and hustle on a lowkey.
If you have questions, please contact me using the commentsection or via an email at 9jafreehustle@gmail.com
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My latest scamming formats book

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