Search for users that fit your criteria with Plenty of Fish. We allow you to narrow down our massive list of users to match what you're looking for.
Browse Plentyoffish Without Registering
- Free online dating and matchmaking service for singles. 3,000,000 Daily Active Online Dating Users.
- What is POFSearchtool? POF / Plentyoffish took away the ability for users to search for other users. So if you get an email saying that someone wants to meet you, there is no easy way to find their profile. With Pofsearchtool, you can do a POF username search quickly, easily and FREE!
View Profiles and Images Without Signing Up Update 2020

Because made the bonehead move of requiring people to have an account and be logged in to view profiles (is it possible that the viewing of profiles would entice people to create an account?), member pages on Plenty Of Fish are no longer indexable by the search engines so this tool for viewing profiles anonymously without having an account and be logged in no longer works. Ever since purchased Plenty Of Fish dating, they have taken away some of the best features of this free (for now) dating site.
Pof Dating Search
Here are a few other dating sites to consider: