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There are no hidden costs. You pay small fee (3 usd a month is not a big sum even for Russia :)) and you have

unlimited communication with Russian brides

Your Cupid Matches Sxyluv30

The #1 site for Russian & Ukrainian Dating Online Sites.

possibility to exchange email with all the ladies listed in our agency

free use of online translator to communicate with ladies who do not know any foreign language

Your Cupid Matches Home

possibility to put your photos in photo rating and receive attention to your profile from thousands Russian women

notification from our special mailer when a girl rated your photo for maximum points (she thinks you are sooo handsome, what do you wait for? - write to her!!!)

many ways to contact the women on the site

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ask our psychologist a question and he will help you understand what is happening with your Russian bride or between you

the site that is free ofscammers ( read below about our special anti-scam polity)

seek the advice of professional matchmakers working on the site - managers of the site

online support chat where you can ask your question, ask for help with some problems, learn some information

Your Cupid Matches Username Sxyluv30

Your cupid matches username sxyluv30

you will always see who is online today and can answer you immidiately or who was on the site today or very passive and rarely visit the site

If you want to find a girl younger than you for 30 years you very probably won't have success here(even if you have read a lot of articles and a lot of words on Russian dating sites that Russian women prefer much older men, it is not about us, sorry. In our opinion, at present it helps scammers to operate and dating sites have money from men. But it is not true, in most cases.)
If you want to register to have a lot of letters from women , then it is better to do it on a dating site where you pay for each letter that you sent or receive from a lady. There you will have tons of letters each day.
We suggest ladies to write to men, but there are not many Russian brides in fact who can do it, they are used to men being active and they wait for initiative from you.
If you want a site full of girls of model type, blonde, tall, waiting just for you- no, you won't find them here in big numbers, we fight with scammers and we do not open such girls when we see they are scammers(we have a program that helps to find it out). We want to make our site a safe place, communication with a scammer is a fairy tale that finishes in broken hearts and broken hopes. We have only real Russian girls here, girls for marriage, not scammers with models photo.
If you look just for dating, you are married and seek adventures, seek in other places. We work only with girls and clients with serious intentions.
We do not sell contact information of the girls who are in clients of our agency. We are not 'mail order brides'. We think that this method allows scammers to operate on the site, is difficult to support for men, if you want always to have up-to date information (some girls stop being interested in the service after 1 week of being on the site - find someone or just get disillusioned). This method also in our opinion violates the girls right on safety and anonimity.

Russian Dating

RussianFlirting, active since July 2015

Yourcupidmatches Dating Site

RussianFlirting.com is the best 100% free Russian dating site. We provide communication tools for Russian singles search for any relationship with Russian or with foreigners. You will enjoy with unlimited connecting for your dating online such as Matching profile, local searching members in your area, fun message, real-time chatting and gifts-card sending. All you can have it in your hands. Dating and meeting up will not be problems for you anymore. Make it convenient to find your dream partners and more friends.